
What number ARE YOU?


2 QUICK questions for you...  

What number (there are FOUR to choose from) describes you best in terms of leading your life, yourself and others - AND what's the most burning thing you'd like to change in 2024?

Just click START to answer  - and I will send you a personalized tip (in writing) to start within 2024! It's free of course. 




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Question 1 of 2

What number are you?


1. Starting out: I strive for the next level in my career (and life) and I've not given a lot of thought to "Self Leadership" or generally Personal Development but realize that there is some stuff I'd like to shift in my life as I feel stuck in my career or other parts of life or don't really know how to get to this next level.


2. The Advanced one: I'm well on a way that's considered successful. I have learned about leading, personal development, and maybe even communication in my role as a leader (of others - or simply my own life) but it's bloody hard to put all this knowledge into practice and change seems to happen at snail's pace - if at all…


3. The Searcher: I have managed to be in a leadership position (or started my own business - where I am the CEO), I'm reasonably (or even very) successful to the outside world- and still worry a lot about failure, mistakes, how others perceive me and on top, often feel exhausted - and sometimes (or even often) wonder if I'm on the right path…or if it is MINE or something I do because it's "what you do".


4. The Optimizer: I've done (quite) some "soul searching" already and aligned some parts of my life so they suit me better. Only to realize that - even having come that far - there are still situations and people in my career and life that throw my self-confidence, trigger stressful feelings and I can't help falling back into old, harmful patterns (like getting impatient, losing all my curiosity and calm, becoming hectic or procrastinate when stress hits or become the perfectionist again).

Question 2 of 2

What specifically would you love to shift/transform/change/get rid of or add to your life and career in 2024? (The more precise you are here, the better my tip for you will be :-))

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