Teaching you THE 3 KEY SHIFTS

from exhausted "superwoman"
 authentic, confident & relaxed leader,
patient, guilt-free mum,
and passionate woman

✅ Are you a female, ambitious leader and a mum at the same time?
✅ Do you often feel guilty not giving enough time to either - the job AND the children (let alone your partner...)?
✅ Are you tired of being tired and permanently juggling all your roles, permanently playing catch up?
✅ Is there basically no time for yourself in your life?

Well, you're in the right place then.

As a result you can start implementing those shifts and seeing first results immediately. Promised.

No quick fix or time-management tricks or tools - just a unique, proven & sustainable process that works and straight talk from a woman, leader and mum who's figured it out (which took years and I want you to have a shortcut).


Hosted by Claudia Hesse, Founder The Better Workplace and Personal & Executive Leadership Coach

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