Boost Your Productivity: Collaboration Vision Concept ONLINE Course

THE way to re-gain control of your agenda, your days and your objectives, boost team collaboration and deliver great results  while still embracing uncertainty, staying flexible and having fun.

That is the Collaborative Vision Concept and it is a great tool and way…

To gain control over your work and your day(s) (again in case you struggled with that)

To create a high level of transparency of your work, or your team’s work so that you know exactly who is working on what and where you stand at any time of the day, week or month

To enhance communication and collaboration in your team as the board is the daily meeting point with the chance to identify bottlenecks, ask questions and to commit to the next step with everybody hearing it!

To do the right things first and to say “No” for the sake of a bigger “Yes”: As you prioritize your work in the most visible way after you identified your needle movers – they will look at you all day, so you can’t forget and probably think twice to let them take the back seat when other “stuff” comes in

To focus. As you will work on less things at the same time your focus rises automatically and things will go over the finish line quicker!

To see accountability in a team, no question who’s responsible


For massive time savings…you will find out how and why

To increase trust, which will automatically increase if no work is hidden in a team. Transparency creates trust. (and the latter is the only legal performance enhancing drug I know!)

To have fun! It is great to move those tasks physically from one side to the other – you can literally feel how your work moves and progresses. And that feels great.

You will learn

  • Why seeing your work and your team's work makes a huge difference to your results

  • How you can create your own personal vision board and gain control over your day and the outcome again

  • How you can see all your prioritities at a glance

  • Why accountability in your team will never ever be an issue again

  • How you can increase the level of trust to a previously unknown level while working with the concept

  • How this level of joining forces eliminates fear in the workplace

  • What it takes to sustainably create changes which can lead to amazing results

Step-by-step training with life-long access

The Collaborative Vision Concept course will teach you step by step how to get on this path  - which is not only a process, but also a major change in mindset. The steps are easy and immediately applicable and you will be able to go back to the training and enhance what you are doing while already working with the method and seeing concrete results

You will love this course!

....and if you don't, we will give you your money back










