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My story...part 9, The Hiding being yourself my story personal leadership Dec 21, 2018

Well, I'm coming almost to the end of  what I decided to tell you - this one is a really long one - AND probably the most important step on the journey.

Get yourself a cup of coffee and come along.

Self-explorative journeys are great - I’ve gone through a few, only one was really...

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My Story....part 8: The Vision Building my story vision Dec 12, 2018

No, not a house  - how we build our vision ;-) (actually I think that's quite funny for a German...). 

In my last post I pondered about WHY a vision is so crucial...the million dollar question is though - how the heck does it work to build OURS?

That was the question I was facing...

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My Story....part 7 (The Track - and Why) my story Dec 02, 2018

Are you still with me on this journey - awesome, I really appreciate you. A lot. 

The track - that’s where I stopped last time. To keep me on track - well, and you. Eventually. If you decide to that is.

And most importantly WHY. 

I’m sitting on the sofa while I’m...

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My Story....part 6 (How I kept those changes alive) my story Dec 02, 2018

ATTENTION - a bit of a longer part - if you’re in a hurry scroll to the end :).

Last week I got a call from someone who’d read my count down posts on Facebook (which is basically the same as this blog) and asked “what the heck are you doing there? You really got me...

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My story....part 5 (The Catch) my story Dec 02, 2018

The Catch - this is where I stopped.

Hang on. 

I believe I never mentioned the name of the core process which  produces great results AND is probably the world’s quickest life-changing process: It is called LIGHT UP. And there is a reason why I mention that. 

Remember I said...

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My Story....part 4 (The (Awesome) Results) my story Nov 25, 2018

Continued...from part 3

The results. Yes. 

This is where I stopped last time (getting into the swing's actually a reflection of another sort, writing up how we got to the place where we are today...sorry, I digress...back to the topic ;-) )

"Powerful and game changing….and...

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My Story....part 3 (The Call) my story Nov 23, 2018


Mindset is at an incredible important part of us being able to become this unstoppable high performer in our life…or not. 

I was convinced it was at the heart of my framework to help business professionals to move from a place of fear, overwhelm and stress towards...

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My Story....part 2 (The Mindset Conundrum) my story Nov 23, 2018

I believe that in a way we’re all leaders - first and foremost of our life including all aspects and the goal to  create this safe, successful, fulfilled and happy feeling, right?

And that of feeling accomplished. 

So, I had my 6 areas identified and defined lots of details to...

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My Story...Part 1 (How It All Started) my story Nov 23, 2018

Well, this is a different kind of blog this time. No tips, tricks, just sharing how I got to where I am now and what I've learned along the way...AND my conclusions - for both, my business and my private life.

Gosh, this woman is self-centered - that's what I would have thought some years ago....

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