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...In terms of powerfully leading yourself, your career...and your life!

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Are you speaking up for yourself - your ideas, your rights, your wishes? confidence courage fear self leadership self-care self-worth Mar 19, 2024

I just came back from spending a few days with my elderly mother and a topic we talked about A LOT was how to speak up for yourself. 
The reason was that we had a topic to discuss within the family where different interests and opinions had led to disagreements - not on the surface, but...

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Monday thought #19: Why I don't worry - even in times which are anxiety-inducing anxiety fear power of words resilience superpower Mar 07, 2022

This week I had a phone call with my best friend in the US. We talked about the usual topics…kids, our own challenges and joys (like my new puppy) and finally about the currently biggest and most threatening topic: the war in Europe. 

At the end of the conversation she asked: "Are you...

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Claudia Hesse, The Better Workplace
Monday thought #10: "The Cost of Fear"
Monday thought #10: "The Cost of Fear" awareness courage emotions fear intuition monday thoughts Nov 01, 2021

Fear is the worst advisor in our life. And often people pay attention to it or their decisions are influenced by it without even realizing that it's fear they're listening to.

Been there, done that - and sometimes still do (when my awareness is lacking!). 

Fear is a common and...

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Claudia Hesse, The Better Workplace
Monday thought #6: How safe do you feel?
Monday thought #6: How safe do you feel? fear monday thoughts personal leadership safety Sep 27, 2021

Feeling safe is crucial for productivity & creativity (and joy) & the 2 reasons why it can be absent.

How safe do you feel these days? A topic that tends to come up again and again with people I talk to and is being addressed in quite a few companies right now (...

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Why disagreements and arguments are (one of) the best things that happen in my life - and it can do the same for you communication courage fear grateful growth personal leadership vulnerability May 05, 2019

No, I’m not suddenly mad. And no, I don’t enjoy suffering either. I simply realized that the adversities in my life were the most useful, even if not enjoyable moments. And often those difficult situations happen between people: Disagreements and arguments.

My reaction to them tells...

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