Ask me anything - about leading yourself, others, excellent communication and how to manage emotionsFREE & PERSONALIZED TIP FOR A SUCCESSFUL 2024
...In terms of powerfully leading yourself, your career...and your life!
Simply answer a couple of questions and get a FREE and personalized, high-value tip from me for 2024 :-)
START THE QUIZDid you ever have this poker face when somebody said or did something that you took absolutely personally? Pretending that it's not an issue and that you're cool, and that this did not affect you?
Yep - I did. Many times.
We all take (some) things personally.
- When someone interrupts...
Wow, what a statement! And is it even true?
Right – let’s clarify a few things upfront:
- I love and appreciate men. I enjoy working with them. I admire their wit, logic and clear-mindedness. And I don’t believe in a dividing line between men and women or masculine and feminine...

I'm currently reading a book which deals with a topic I'm exploring: how different men and women "tick" and what that means for communication and relationships inside and outside of the business environment.
It actually opens up a completely new aspect for, but not exclusively, leadership.
Get all your questions answered
(no worries, this stays completely anonymous...just making sure the blog is relevant for YOU)