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...In terms of powerfully leading yourself, your career...and your life!

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Watch What Kind of Energy You Bring into a Room awareness emotions energy influence leadership power transformation Nov 14, 2019

What energy do you bring into the room (or situation)?

Huh? Is that important?

YES - absolutely.

This Saturday I experienced quite a backlash while not being aware of my own energy.

With quite some consequences.

The (almost magical) power of that and how to do it, I'm explaining here in this...

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10 Strategies to Achieve MORE FASTER (part 2) energy meetings motivation personal leadership project management recovery strategy wasting time Jul 28, 2019

Welcome back! This is part two of how to achieve more, faster in the second half of 2019. In case you missed the first 5 strategies – here you can access them.

As a short recap, the first 5 tips were there to guide you in to levelling-up in your role, to create your battle-board, to...

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Are you a personal leader? Find out with these questions. communication courage energy growth heartset leadership mindset personal leadership productivity relationship resilience vision May 13, 2019

Quite honestly: 5 years ago I did not have a clue what Personal Leadership was. As I simply did not give it a thought. The definition that is.

Instinctively though I realized that there is something wrong with the way of how we learn to lead.

When I had just passed my mid-twenties and I worked...

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How alive are you? energy perspective purpose Jan 20, 2019

The other day a friend sent me a video from one of those Indian gurus talking about parenting. Well, this ship has sailed for me, so I checked out what this guy had to say on other topics and came across another video, talking about the 3 things we should all do in the morning.


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How To Unleash Your Super Powers clarity courage energy focus habits influence intuition mindset productivity Jun 13, 2017

Have you ever wondered why some people just crush it and walk from one success to another, perform like crazy and seem to be even happier than the rest of us?

These people must have super powers, right? They were just lucky to be born like that.

Admittedly - we are all different - which...

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10 Prerequisites To Make This Year Your Best. Ever energy health vision Mar 21, 2017

Have you ever fantasized about making the next year the best you ever had? Like at New Year, or just because you started a new job or got married to the person you love most in this world.

In other words: when you either felt the pressure (things had been turning in circles for too long) or the...

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