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...In terms of powerfully leading yourself, your career...and your life!

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I don't have time! (and an offer how to deal with the year end rush) aligned change personal development personal leadership time Nov 07, 2022

Hard to believe...we're only 8 weeks away from the end of the year! Probably a super busy time for you:

  • Projects to complete.
  • Budgets to spend.
  • Plans to be made for next year...let alone organizing Christmas and family visits. 

I know that most people will push learning/changing etc out to...

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When it comes to self-care, boundaries are more important than bubble baths boundaries personal leadership resilience self care Jul 12, 2022

A lot of people are talking about self-care at the moment. 

No wonder - the world has gone crazy in a lot of areas. Many things are getting more extreme - the middle ground seems to get smaller and smaller - and with prices rising and war around the corner many people worry a lot.


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Are you ready to take (radical) responsibility? emotions personal leadership power of response responsibility Jun 28, 2022

Last week a rather frustrated and utterly exhausted client was getting  exasperated about their "super difficult" situation: "I have to do all these things NOW as there is only a certain time window and on top of that I have to prepare a presentation - which came around the...

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Claudia Hesse, The Better Workplace
Monday thought #6: How safe do you feel?
Monday thought #6: How safe do you feel? fear monday thoughts personal leadership safety Sep 27, 2021

Feeling safe is crucial for productivity & creativity (and joy) & the 2 reasons why it can be absent.

How safe do you feel these days? A topic that tends to come up again and again with people I talk to and is being addressed in quite a few companies right now (...

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Monday thought #5: Do you love or hate adversities (and why this is even relevant) monday thoughts personal leadership resilience superpower Sep 20, 2021

What? I can't be serious, right?

Who the hell likes adversities?

Well, listen in to learn why and how they can be extremely useful and what kind of human superpower you can develop and practice while experiencing adversities. Extremely powerful how I find. And one that helped me in even seemingly...

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Claudia Hesse, The Better Workplace
Monday thought #1: "Look at the big picture in the midst of drama"
Monday thought #1: "Look at the big picture in the midst of drama" big picture intention monday thoughts personal leadership Aug 02, 2021

I like starting my weeks with an intention. Or an idea. One that helps me grow or learn, help me feeling better or serves me and my business to progress. 

And the mornings are always the best and most creative time for me. And with morning, I really mean the time after I wake up or do my...

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Why It's O.K. to Let Go - And The Big Question To Ask Ourselves In The Process letting go loyalty personal growth personal leadership surrender Jul 05, 2021

Last week I practised letting go. BIG TIME. And it took me a LONG time to get to it. But before I tell you about that let me take a step back and start the story a tad earlier.

Being loyal - or letting go?

If I learned one thing during my childhood, it was loyalty. And as a woman to be the one...

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Relationship Idea #5: Deep listening completely shifts the relationship dynamic (Video) personal leadership relationships video Jun 24, 2021

Everybody wants to be heard.

But not so many people are willing or able to really listen attentively and deeply.

Despite the fact that many of us believe we DO listen. I thought that for a long time until I realized that my perception was very wrong (it helps to ask others for their perception...
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Relationship Idea #3: Build deep(er) relationships with these 9 questions. personal leadership relationships Jun 24, 2021

Superficial small talk does not build relationships. That is valid for the business world too. 

You might believe deeper relationships are unnecessary in business - after all colleagues might not be your friends.

They might not be - that's not the point here.

Deeper relationships WILL create...

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Relationship Idea #2: You're co-creating success and the future together co-creation personal leadership relationships Jun 24, 2021

In a relationship - be it in business or privately, we often take the eyes off this "we're building a future together that we're both enjoy" - even if it sucks today. 
While we're busy being angry, frustrated, or annoyed at someone, particularly in business - despite striving...

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5-Minute Leadership Wisdom #4: What to do when people don't understand and don't get your message 5 minute wisdom communication leadership personal leadership video May 26, 2020

Why can't they get it - it's so easy? might think.

Here are two surprising and probably rather counterintuitive tips on how to change this quickly and effectively.

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5-Minute Leadership Wisdom #3: If you're a perfectionist - this is for you 5 minute wisdom enough perfectionism personal leadership video May 20, 2020

We all know someone who says he or she is a perfectionist. Here's what's behind and 2 crucial things to know about it. 

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