What I always wanted to know about LEADERSHIP

Relationship Idea #5: Deep listening completely shifts the relationship dynamic (Video)

personal leadership relationships video Jun 24, 2021

Everybody wants to be heard.

But not so many people are willing or able to really listen attentively and deeply.

Despite the fact that many of us believe we DO listen. I thought that for a long time until I realized that my perception was very wrong (it helps to ask others for their perception or watch their reaction...that gives us a better view than just our own judgment.)

Listening does NOT just mean being polite and letting the other person finish.

Listening is a part of successful and high-quality communication.

Successful and high-quality communication is one of the major keys to successful and good relationships.

So, listen in if you believe you can still learn something about listening....and even if that video is a couple of years old...THIS information has not changed...not even through a pandemic ;-)

#listeningskills #womenexecutives #personalleadership #relationships#communication


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