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Claudia Talks to Executives: Dinko Eror (SVP Dell EMC Germany) about the Human Factor in the Digital Transformation

digitalization executive & expert interviews leadership Jan 11, 2019

Last year, I had the idea to start an interview series with experts and executives who'm I intended to ask about "The Human Factor" in the wake of (or better in the middle of) the Digital Transformation. 

Everybody talks about the infamous transformation and one thing is for sure: it won't leave us like a flu. It's here to stay. In our daily private life AND in all areas of business. 

Dividing lines between "work" and "life" disappear (they were pretty artificial anyway) and the radical and fast changes often trigger deep seated fears. And they don't care if this is business or private.

Alright - back to the topic: I will interview all sorts of people who are responsible for transformation, affected by it, lead it, consult on it, live with it (good or bad) - so that finally we're going to see a more detailed picture: about what's happening, what could happen, where the trends are, what the ideas are, and how those influential people deal with it...I guess that is still called "best practice" sharing, right?

I'd love to call it INSIGHTS. 

Personal and business ones. 

I've already learned so much just listening to those great people who agreed to speak with me - listen in and learn too.

My first interview is with Dinko Eror, SVP for Dell EMC in Germany. An impressive, seasoned business leader who managed to stay and be human and who offers amazing insights into the human factor in digitalisation, why even the profession of hair dressers is not safe anymore form digitalisation and how he manages to stay on track as a leader in this crazy fast world. 


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