Claudia's Radical (Self) Leadership Blog

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3 Ways How To Work With Me in 2023

2023 aligned llc personal leadership programs Dec 08, 2022

If you're one of the people who have been following me for a while you might have thought "Huh, I'd actually love to work with Claudia" but - what offer could be the right one for me? 

Well, I'll make the decision a bit easier for you while presenting you with the options - after reading you know exactly what is right for you.

Let's start. 


If you ask me - that's a must-have for 2 types of leaders - the leader who never experienced coaching and the one who has and wants to make sure to gradually come from great to excellent. 


What do we do there? 

  • You can have as many 15-minute coaching sessions as you like (you can book the next one as soon as you have implemented what we discussed before)
  • You have 5 minutes to describe your issue/question - we'll find the solution/information/answer or exercise in 10 and you'll get precise instructions on what and how to implement it (your "homework")
  • We either discuss "burning" topics or teach you short bites of leadership knowledge based upon my exclusive framework of PLeX (Personal Leadership) with the 7+1 C's of personal leadership


What makes it special?

It's a bit like a coaching subscription - you can access ME personally ANY TIME and AS OFTEN AS YOU WANT OR NEED. It's going to be the best price-performance ratio you've ever experienced for quality coaching and is incredibly focused. I'll make sure that you start DOING so you'll see immediate results. 


How do we get results?

Well, that takes both of us. Here are the success factors: 

  • You come to the sessions well prepared so you can formulate your issue precisely and shortly (and if you don't know how I'll teach you).
  • We'll find an implementable solution immediately 
  • You get "homework" to implement, apply and practice the solution until the next session
  • For further support, you have access to a library of leadership resources
  • The biggest success factor: we work on a foundational level that will give you access to resources (within you) you didn't know you had. 


Is it right for you? 

if you're a leader and new to coaching and you want to dip your toes in serious coaching to improve your leadership skills or to have a helping hand for the stuff that comes up (again and again) in your job - this is the most time effective and most affordable way of 1:1 coaching you'll ever find.

Coaching-experienced leader: If you want to make sure that you keep the ball rolling when you come out of intensive coaching. Experience shows that there will be obstacles or issues coming along that are quickly resolved while having access to a professional coach and accountability buddy. The road to excellence.  


We work on…

  • You being able to access your actual power to be able to deal with every stormy or difficult situation
  • Your communication skills to improve literally ALL of your relationships
  • Mastering difficult people and conversations
  • Boosting your productivity to double your output

Working with me for the whole year, you'll enhance your leadership skills continuously and reliably and people will start noticing and following you!


When does it start and how long does it take?

That's a brand-new program that will open its doors in March 2023. If you join you'll have access to me (and the library) for 12 months. 




Level 2 

Quite honestly I believe that this is THE foundational program for every female leader with children to not just survive this highly challenging time but to thrive. I wish I had known all of that when my kids were younger. This is why I created it. 


What do we do there? 

 The program is a hybrid model that combines 

  • an online course that follows a proven process (5 Modules, 12 weeks)
  • WEEKLY LIVE group coaching sessions with me where you can get coached on the spot and connect with other like-minded women. The sessions are part workshops, part hot-seat coaching. 
  • And a community where you can share and learn
  • One 1:1 coaching session with me (1.5 hours)

 Here you can find more information on the online modules. 


What makes it special?

Name another online program where the coach has hands-on experience in EXACTLY this situation you're in right now where you can meet other like-minded women and share openly without guilt or shame and you can access the expert for a whole year? 

Need I say more?


How do we get results?

Before you even join, we'll have an extensive chat and see if we're a fit. That's important to get results.

Proven process based on principles of body, mind, heart and soul: I'm using a proven process that my high-end 1:1 clients are going through - hence I know it works. We're working hands-on - this is not just accumulating more useless knowledge - this is experiencing shifts and transformation so it does not stay in the head, but drops in your heart too. I'm at your side - every week to help you stay accountable for yourself and the community has the potential to support the process immensely. 

Well, AND on top of that, you'll walk out with a great toolkit for leadership & productivity.


We work on…

 - you becoming a confident, calm and relaxed leader, a guilt-free mum and (the wild!) woman AT YOUR TERMS

  • Never feeling like you have to be superwoman again 
  • Doubling or tripling your energy levels
  • Creating time for yourself 
  • Getting rid of guilt and imposter syndrome
  • Improving ALL your relationships - personally as well as professionally
  • Clear vision documents with a strategy


Is it right for you? 

If you're a female leader AND a parent and are tired of being tired and juggling, and urgently require more time for yourself, energy and peace of mind in your life (while still being wildly successful in your career) this is THE right path for you.


When does it start and how long does it take?

The program is already up and running successfully. Every month we're accepting a limited number of women in the program and I'm accompanying you for a full year. Experience shows that transformations take time - particularly if you have none. 

Have a look here what others say about working with me 



Level 3: 


What do we do here?

In exclusive 1:1 sessions, I accompany you through a unique, experiential process that picks you up EXACTLY where you are and gets you where you want to be. Guaranteed.

I'll show you

  • How to access your superpowers easily and reliably (you've got them - you only got to learn how to tap into them)
  • How to let your true self emerge
  • How to master your emotions successfully
  • How to find and set boundaries & eliminate BRULES (bullshit rules, hidden beliefs)l
  • How top leaders communicate in a way that creates impact, makes others listen to you and follow
  • How to create a crystal clear direction and vision of your personal and professional life
  • How to resolve conflicts in your personal and professional life
  • How great leaders build and maintain successful relationships 
  • How high performers stay energetic, focused & decisive 


What makes it special?

You're one of only 12 people/per year who get direct access to ALL of my knowledge and experience and will experience and feel your transformation, which often happens within minutes. In an absolutely safe space and with a process that always creates results. 

And you get a report afterwards that you can go back to anytime …we all know how quickly we forget things we don't practice daily. 

 We work on…

  • Creating a rock-solid, sustainable foundation, not tools, but activating resources that you already have but probably never felt
  • Creating your North Star 
  • Filling the gaps to navigate "real life" while using your body, mind, heart and soul
  • Doubling your productivity and energy


Is it suited for you?

This program is perfect for you if you've been in a leadership position for a while and you're eager to go from GREAT TO EXCELLENT. 

Or you're facing an acute issue that you might have seen before

  • imposter feeling
  • overwhelm
  •  feeling stuck in your career
  • issues with the boss or team
  • not being understood or heard where you are

... and you know on a deep level that what brought you here won't get you to the next level anymore.


When does it start, and how long does it take?

If I have space (remember - I work with only 12 people directly) we're working with each other for 6 months. Reserve 5-8 hours in the first 10 days for our intensive sessions (this is where the magic happens!) and subsequently 1.5 hours bi-weekly for our sessions…and some time to work on your "homework". 

 What have previous clients achieved and experienced

Have a look here.

And for the visual ones among you, here's the short version in a picture! 

Questions? Then simply shoot me a message at [email protected]

Can't wait to work with you!

Get all your questions answeredĀ 

(no worries, this stays completely anonymous...just making sure the blog is relevant for YOU)